Sunday, December 29, 2019

Global Warming Essay - 1145 Words

What happens when too much carbon dioxide gets omitted into the Earth’s atmosphere? The condition known as Global Warming occurs. Global Warming is the rising of the Earth’s surface temperature due to chemicals in the atmosphere. Global Warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of the people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing I think I should discuss when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these gases make it so that it becomes harder for the†¦show more content†¦The melting of the glaciers are also causing some problems in the Himalayas. Many of the tips of the mountain’s in that area. Massive flooding and rivers that are well above their normal levels are threatening the crops and homes in the area. Many of the locals that live in the area and many of the scientists that are surveying the area are saying that the glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate. Another danger that comes with the changing of the climate is that the increased heat causes more evaporation to occur in the hotter climates. This causes there to be more precipitation in many other climates that are not used to handling massive rainfalls. The increased rainfall also leads to speeding up the process of the sea levels rising. Health is also something that becomes threatened because of global warming. Heat becomes a huge factor in the health of humans, especially the elderly. Incidents such as heat stroke head exhaustion and diseases increase drastically. The heat makes it possible for mosquitoes and other insects to transmit diseases. This is something that happened in New York during this summer. A very rare disease called St. Louis Emphyitis (spelling?) that would spread in puddles of water that mosquitoes would drink out of due to the heat. These mosquitoes would then bite humans and infect them with this disease. I don’t recall how many people, if any died due to this, but it did cause a bit of aShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1353 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming With it being the presidential election season the talk of global warming, also known as climate change has come up in conversation more. But should it be associated with whether you are republican or democrat? Global warming should not be rather you â€Å"believe† in because it is a stated fact. The definition by Oxford Dictionary declares that global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect causedRead MoreThe Warming And Global Warming1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Warming World Around Us The world is warming and we cannot deny it, the longer we deny the larger the problem it will become. Global warming is affecting the world economy, the overall health of the population, and most importantly the environment that surrounds us. Ignoring this problem will not just make it suddenly disappear; the world has to make an effort to stop it while it can still be maintained. Accepting the fact that it is happening is just the first step, the next step is takingRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words   |  7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide’ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, ( n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1245 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming The major threat of today’s world is global warming. Due to various reasons global warming turns out to be a serious issue in the last few years. Today people believe in global warming while this concept was not so much believed and people interpreted in some other meanings what was happening in the past. Global warming is amplification in the temperature of earth because of industrial pollution, fossil fuels, and agricultural practices caused by human being, other and natural gasRead MoreGlobal Warming1316 Words   |  6 PagesControversy over Global Warming One of the largest argued topics in our world today is over global warming. People argue that is real, and others argue that it is fake. The effects of global warming create a growing danger for the ecosystem we live in by damaging glaciers and weather patterns. Humans contribute to global warming yet non-believers will think otherwise. Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) mostRead Moreglobal warming1539 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar radiation is trapped ins ide raising global temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words   |  5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. Using persuasive technique Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for mostRead MoreGlobal Warming1192 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. Personally I don’t care very much about global warming and have never been active in green movements. The evidence presented in this class is very informative and useful when taking into account the numerous known and unknown causes and cures for global warming. However, my attitude towards global warming is unchanged. According to the Common Attitudes Toward Global Warming handout I think

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Interaction between Society, Economy and Environment

Source: Scott Cato, M. (2009) This view has been expressed as an illustration using three overlapping ellipses indicating that the three pillars of sustainability are not mutually exclusive and can be mutually reinforcing(Britain 2009).The three pillars have served as a common ground for numerous sustainability standards and certification systems in recent years(Manning 2011, Reinecke 2012) As far as the challenge of sustainable development is to achieve a steady economic growth rate and address social needs while not depleting natural resources, the development of ASM requires a holistic approach that considers the environmental, economic and social challenges together(Purevjav 2010). Figure 2: The conventional economic view of the interaction between economy, society and environment Source: Scott Cato, M. (2009) Figure 3: Venn diagram of sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts Source: Adams, W.M. (2006) The indicators of sustainability: Apart from all other models, the sustainability triangle talks about economy, culture and context as the factors of which shape the sustainability triangle which shape a sustainable society. Besides it can be said that the triangle is the most sustainable shape in the world, that you cannot drew it wrongly, the difference is in kind. So in here we are going to talk about an â€Å"Equilateral triangle† which has 3 equal edges. If any of these edges go out of its correct order this triangle is not sustainableShow MoreRelatedEssay about Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories921 Words   |  4 Pagesurban sociologist to discover â€Å"How urban societies work,† theories of â€Å"urban ecology† or â€Å"political economy† are used as a guide in their research. Urban ecology refers to the importance of social structure and social organization as shaping social life in the city. Urban ecologist concerns for social order, social cohesion, community ties and s ocial differentiation offer key insight to how societies work (Kleniewski, 2001). Alternatively political economy stresses the use of power, domination andRead MoreThe Metropolis Effect On Individuality1315 Words   |  6 Pagessystem, the pressure to maintain independence and individuality, and the overwhelming stimulation an individual experiences in the metropolis, not only has an effect on the individual’s psyche but on their interactions with other metropolitan individuals. Simmel’s views on the effect money economy, ideas of capitalist competition, and division of labor has on individuality correlate to an extent to that of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. The intensification of rapidly changing stimulations in the cityRead MoreThe Effects Of The Modern Economy And The Workplace Environment925 Words   |  4 Pagesof the modern economy and the workplace environment. Studying workplace industry and the effects on the economy allows sociologists to understand overall social structure and inequality. Studying work and work related problems, sociologists’ three major theoretical approaches each identify very unique issues and deductions. At the macro level, sociologists study the effects of the changes within the workforce which includes how the changes in technology and the fluctuating economy effect the workplaceRead MoreGlobalization : What Is Globalization?871 Words   |  4 Pagesmeans, not just with the NFL, but to society in general. In society today, you hear the word â€Å"globalization† thrown around, but what does it actually mean? I looked to many sources and there were many different definitions. One sourc e had a definition that really seemed to me to be the best description of globalization, particularly for the purposes of my research. The source was â€Å"Globalization 101† where they define globalization as the â€Å"process of interaction and integration among the people,Read MoreMalthus s Theory Of The Demographic Transition Theory1279 Words   |  6 Pagesvery real truth. Now, 218 years later, Malthus’s theory has in some way become a reality. Although rich nations have slowed in regards to reproduction, poor nations continue to have high birth rates which put a strain on the global aspects of the environment. As our planet now holds over 7 billion people (US Census Bureau, 2016), scientists, economists, and environmentalist’s struggle to find a solution to our â€Å"growing† problem. One theory that explains this population change is the demographic transitionRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effects On Society1011 Words   |  5 PagesAround the world, people view international trade as a good thing but this is hindered by concerns about its side effects. To find the balance between pros and cons associated with globalization, citizens everywhere need to know how globalization works. This includes its effects on the environment, culture, political systems, and overall the wellbeing of societies around the world. Industry, mass consumption and the increased energy needs of the growing population are partly responsible for pollutionRead MoreEthics And Ethics Of Globalization1500 Words   |  6 Pagessocial and moral interaction among a certain group of people, society, and organization and so on, basically to tackle the issue of biasness when various parties are involved in dealings. Ethics can either be legally binding so any one who goes against is punished by law, or with the option of not being legally binding and get punished by the forces of market interaction. In an organizational setup, the basic ethical motive is profit maximization and objectivity in the interaction between the directorsRead MoreSocial Problems; Sociology of the Workplace946 Words   |  4 Pageseconomic independency due to the massive industrialization. Jobs and careers are a core value in American society (Macionis 2008). Two revolutions, Industrial and Information, changed the workplace for most Americans, creating a new status quo for them and their families. With the new modern economy, the quality of life can only be improved. Structural-functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction are the three major approaches in sociology that guides thinking and research (DeRosso 2002). So, getRead MoreSustainability Within The Business Context1580 Words   |  7 Pages16) suggest government reporting consist of â€Å"deceptiveness.† Thus, sustainable development through the synthesis of economic and socio-ecology is paramount. Hence, O’Riopdan’ s original map (transformation, reform, and social quo) develops the link between the TBL lines and its efficacy, emphasising the development of stakeholder/shareholder ideals. Similarly, management practices require harmonisation of these dimensions, for trade-offs from one aspect to simultaneously affect another, overall allowingRead MoreSociological Imagination : An Important Part Of Understanding Society1577 Words   |  7 Pagesbasics of sociology and describes the social structures as an important part of understanding society. According to Gould and Lewis, social structures are norms that are not directly stated in society and create basic set of rules that individuals follow, depending on the norms he/she believes in. One has to adapt into society and its norms in order to socialize with others. Agencies are implemented in society by choices one makes according to what he or she thinks is what they want to be recognized

Friday, December 13, 2019

What Pros Are Saying About Societal Issues and How It Affects You

What Pros Are Saying About Societal Issues and How It Affects You The only means to do so is to work with each other to resolve the problems. A good deal of things were culminating. You have to make them understand what you're fighting for and what you are interested in getting the world to comprehend and see. Also as the world shrinks and everything gets more global in nature, it will become ever more important in order to communicate in more than 1 language. There's an exciting connection between the idea of smart cities and the Internet of things. The public wasn't prepared to face the controversial topics. If there's an area you'd love to dwell in after graduation then hoping to become into a program in that area may be excellent method to network and make connections for your upcoming position. Another instance is Ariel. Choosing Societal Issues Most families were quite poor. The Reasons for Divorce There are a number of reasons couples seek divorce. Living with a single parent can change the emotional well-being of the kid. Lasting Complications While there isn't any evidence which every child of divorce is going to be impacted severely in any way, it is not possible to define the precise effect of divorce on any kid. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Societal Issues Athletes are tasked with providing for their community in a number of ways, and their actions are continuously monitored, particularly in the era of social networking. Women and girls face unimaginable challenges in nearly every region of the world. Men often did not develop into work and thus they were made to steal. In the context of social problems, however, social issues might be more common, but it doesn't indicate it's always more correct. Some of the most well-known questions deal with topics which are important to humanitarian causes and reveal how you are feeling about societal problems. Athletes are nowadays highlighting several aspects of a ll social and political issues due to the fact that they know that the present generation will listen to what they need to say. The political problems are among the significant challenges in Nigeria. Societal Issues at a Glance It's better to enjoy life more in whatever ways you are able to. Hope it can help you learn different facets of creativity. The idea was supposed to inspire researchers to contemplate the many ways electrochemistry can be applied to fix issues of international significance, explains Salmon. In case it takes as much power and effort to be happy as it does to miserable, you may as well try happiness to learn how it feels. The Downside Risk of Societal Issues In the calendar year 1960, Nigeria was officially provided independence. Education has become the most powerful weapon that you can utilize to modify the world Nelson Mandela. Bilingual education is a concern in other nations in addition to in america. Stress is a term most individuals are all too acquainted with. It's critical for everybody wanting to tackle social issues to take into account the sorts of impact they need to get, the scale of it, and why. Speaking about your social anxiety to a close peer, or merely using communication to repair a healthful relationship are manners in which you can relieve some stresses. The issue with testing has at all times become the pain and inconvenience. The Unusual Secret of Societal Issues My personal belief is that children from some other cultures who might speak different languages at home need to get familiar with English and that English should be the necessary language for most governmental affairs. On the positive side, there are lots of advantages of students learning another language at a rather young age. Once a student gets familiar with another language it is significantly easier for her or him to master it as they grow older. Some students might be well versed in English while others might not. Excellent People You can receive a lot of funding from good folks who believe in your cause. Wanting to earn an impact' is just the beginning. Possessing a comprehension of Spanish social and company culture is extremely important if doing business in Spain. Change has ever been the goal for everybody that's protesting. Using technology for mental health purposes should adhere to the exact same principle. Only it is possible to know whether it's indeed the optimal solution for your present situation. It's also noteworthy an increase in governmental power over the economy isn't necessarily equivalent to a rise in institutional power over the economy. There's power in agreement so, no matter their denomination, do it!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quebecs Quiet Revolution Essay Example For Students

Quebecs Quiet Revolution Essay Quebecs Quiet revolution: What is it? How has it changed Quebecs society? How has it affected Confederation? The English-French relations have not always been easy. Each is always arguing and accusing the other of wrong doings. All this hatred and differences started in the past, and this Quiet revolution, right after a new Liberal government led by Jean Lesage came in 1960. Thus was the beginning of the Quiet Revolution. Lesage had an excellent team of cabinet ministers which included Rene Levesque. The Liberals promised to do two things during the Quiet Revolution; one was to improve economic and social standards for the people of Quebec, and the other was to win greater respect and recognition for all the French people of Canada. The Liberals started a program to take control of hydro-electric power companies. French-Canadian engineers from all over Canada returned to Quebec to work on the project. Slogans during these times were we can do it and masters in our own homes. The government also started to replace programs the Church previously ran, which included hospital insurance, pension schemes and the beginning of Medi-Care. For these programs, the Quebec Liberals had to struggle with Ottawa for a larger share of the tax dollars. One of the greatest reforms was the modernization of the entire school system. The Church used to own the schools of Quebec. Most of the teachers were Priests, Nuns and Brothers. They provided a good education but Quebec needed more in business and technology. Lesage wanted a government-run school system that would provide Quebec with people in engineering, science, business and commerce. With the new freedom of expression, lots of books, plays and music about French culture were all developed in Quebec. French contemporary playwrights were very famous during that time. However, not all was going well in Quebec. The French-English relation was going bad. Many studies showed that French-Canadian Quebecers were earning the lowest wage in all of the ethnic groups in Canada. Other complaints were that the top jobs in Quebec were given to English speaking Canadians. Canada was going through the worst crisis in its history, and unless equal partnership was found a break-up would likely happen. Some Quebecers thought that separation was the only solution. They thought that as long as Quebec was associated with the rest of Canada, French-Canadians would never be treated equal. The FLQ (Front De Liberation Du Quebec) was founded in 1963. It was a smaller, more forceful group of separatists. They were a collection of groups of young people whose idea was to use terrorism to achieve independence for Quebec. The ALQ (Arm de Liberation de Quebec) was even more of a violent separatist group. Some of their actions included robbing banks in order to get money. For their ammunition they had to raid arms depots of the Canadian Armed Forces. There were many Federalists that believed that separatism had no future and that French-Canadians could play a role in a bilingual Canada. There were three Quebec men that believed in Federalism. These men were Liberals and their names were Pierre Trudeau, Jean Marchand and Gerard Pelletier. The President of France, General De Gaulle came to Quebec in 1967 and gave speeches to separatist groups that deemed him an enthusiast of the thoughts of the separatists in the struggle to fight for the liberation of Quebec. The Prime Minister at the time, Lester B. Pearson, criticized De Gaulles remarks and said that Quebec belonged to Canada and there was no need for their liberation. In 1970, British Trade Commissioner James R. Cross was kidnapped by FLQ and wanted in return for Cross, 23 political prisoners. .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .postImageUrl , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:hover , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:visited , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:active { border:0!important; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:active , .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710 .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub4b4f38ed3f42b3bbd19021b647a0710:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The causes of rebellion of 1836 Essay Quebec Labour Minister, Pierre Laporte was also kidnapped which started a Quebec crisis. After a few months Cross returned when Laporte was assassinated. The Quebec crisis ended several years of violence in Quebec. This crisis made many Quebecers upset because Ottawa sent the army into Quebec. Therefore English-French turmoil did not end. Rene Levesque was a leader who became very popular in Quebec with his views on independence. In 1976, Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois won the Provincial election. Now many Quebecers thought he could build up Quebec. Since

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dialogue Story, The Ginger Ale Mystery Essays - Hans, Ginger Ale

Dialogue Story, the Ginger Ale Mystery "So Hans, how was your day today?" said Miguel. "Not all too well," said Hans with despair. "I broke a string on my violin today at the orchestra." "Broke a string eh?" said Miguel. "Did you see it in time?" "No, no one told me until after the performance. Damn, I wish people weren't so intimidated by people who are blind." said Hans. "Yes, I can relate. Hmmm..... Your violin you say? How would you like me to take it off of your hands?" said Miguel, with a hint of interest in his voice. "What? What could YOU possibly give me for my prize Stradivarius violin?" screamed Hans. "Well, we could make a little wager." Miguel was now full into the violin. "I am a particular mystery fan." "Well, so am I, Agatha Christie always makes me laugh!" cried Hans, with tears in his eyes. "No, not that kind of mystery. I'm interested in locked room mysteries." whispered Miguel. "Do you know what they are?" "No, I can't say that I do." mused Hans. "What are they then?" "They are mysteries where locked rooms are involved," said Miguel, "and where one person might have to do something to get into the locked room and change something, for instance, put ginger ale into a glass of ice." "Ginger ale into a glass of ice? That's quite easy." laughed Hans. "Yes, but not when YOU are in a locked room, the ice and glass in a safe, and me with the Ginger Ale outside!" exclaimed Miguel. "That is quite extraordinary, if you could do it. But what would I get if you didn't do it?" asked Hans. "Head seat of all violinists, plus 100,000 dollars, in CASH." said Miguel. "Now i'm in it. But you want my Stradivarius violin if you do it?" asked Hans. "Yes, thing's aren't cheap these days." said Miguel. "We'll see what you can do! The wager is on. You must come into a dark, lightless room, with ME in it, open the safe, take out the glass, take out the ice, and pour in the ginger ale, all without me hearing you?" asked Hans, just to be sure. "Of course. And the date for this little wager shall be three days from next wednesday, on saturday." said Miguel. "And good luck." "Good luck to you my friend, you'll need it." snickered Hans. "He's left! I've got him now! I can't possibly lose!" screamed Hans. "Ouch! I shouldn't dance so much when I can't see anything, especially that darn sofa!" exclaimed Hans. "Ouch! My knee hurts!" "Ha! Ha! The day has come! Let's see what Miguel can do now!" laughed Hans, waiting for Miguel. "Hello my friend. Are you ready?" asked Miguel. "Ready and waiting." said Hans. "Let us begin." said Miguel. "Here we are, in the room I've chosen." said Hans. "This is fine. Where are the glasses and the ice?" asked Miguel. "Right on that coffee table.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Commands and Requests in Spanish Without the Imperative Mood

Commands and Requests in Spanish Without the Imperative Mood Although the imperative mood is frequently used to tell or ask people to do something, other verb forms also are used. This lesson covers some of the most common non-imperative ways of giving commands. Infinitives as Impersonal Commands The infinitive (the unconjugated verb form that ends in -ar, -er or -ir) is frequently used, especially in print and online rather than verbally, to give commands to no one person in particular. It is seen most commonly on signs and in written instructions. Examples: No fumar. (No smoking.) Hacer clic aquà ­. (Click here.) No tocar. (Do not touch.) Sazonar los frijoles y servirlos en un plato. (Season the beans and serve them on a plate.) Colgar el telà ©fono y esperar. (Hang up the telephone and wait.) Use of Present and Future Tenses to Give Commands As in English, the present and future indicative tenses can be used to issue emphatic commands. Using the present and future tenses in this way normally wouldnt be done when youre trying to be diplomatic; more likely, they would be used when simple persuasion hasnt been successful or if youre trying to be particularly matter-of-fact. Examples: Comers el brà ³coli. (You WILL eat the broccoli.) Me llamas maà ±ana. (You call me tomorrow.) Indirect Commands By using the subjunctive mood in a clause beginning with que, it is possible to indirectly give a command to someone other than the person being spoken to. As the following examples indicate, a variety of English translations can be used, depending on the context. Examples: Que Dios te bendiga. (God bless you.) Que vaya à ©l a la oficina. (Have him go to the office.) Que me traiga ella sus archivos. (Tell her to bring me her files.) Que en paz descanse. (May he rest in peace.) First-Person Plural Commands There are two ways to give a command to a group that includes yourself: use followed by the infinitive, or use the first-personal plural subjunctive form of the verb. These are typically translated in English by using lets. In the negative form (lets not), the subjunctive form (not no vamos a) is typically used. To say lets go, use vamos or vmonos; to say lets not go, use no vayamos or no nos vayamos. Examples: Vamos a comer. (Lets eat.) Comamos. (Lets eat.) No comamos. (Lets not eat.) Vamos a hacerlo. (Lets do it.) Hagmoslo. (Lets do it.) No lo hagamos. (Lets not do it.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is the relationship between transcendentalism and individualism Coursework

What is the relationship between transcendentalism and individualism Between transcendentalism and social reform Between transcendentalism and the middle class - Coursework Example People do not need organized society and its various institutions because the self-sufficient person is better off being alone and from this select group of individuals who believe in self-reliance can a true community of men be formed. It is an ideal achievable only if all people try to be self-reliant and form their own minds about matters that affect them the most. This philosophical and cultural movement of transcendentalism has its drawbacks, however. An individualistic attitude can harm society because if all people will become self-reliant, there is no need for a democratic government (Newfield 17). Organized society will cease to exist, including all forms of governance which any civilized society needs for a group of people to survive and live peacefully. Transcendetalism can have an adverse effect as people will strive for personal independence regardless of the needs of a society, to include compliance with social rules and governmental regulations. Rampant and rabid individualism can harm society in the long term (Hankins 38) to the detriment of an organized central authority and the solidarity and spirit of communalism will disappear. But individualism can inspire people to do good too by not waiting for government to do something but just do

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financing a Business Magazine Article Coursework

Financing a Business Magazine Article - Coursework Example In the year 2011, the number of small businesses in the UK was found to be around 4.5 million, which indicated that around 99 percent of the businesses were small firms (Nanto, 2010). The financial crisis has made it difficult for many small firms to get funding assistance from the banks. According to the Huffington Post, around 170,000 small businesses had to close down in the USA, in the year 2008-10; out of which around 6.79 million small firms closed in 2010, and around 6.96 firms closed in 2008 (Kavoussi, 2012). The rate of self-employment diminished by 4 percent in 2007 and further by 12 percent in 2009 (Halm-Addo, 2010). A series of survey was done, which revealed that the reducing employment, sales, investment rate during 2009 and even during 2008, were affecting the small business and their performances. About 165 small firms were surveyed in the UK and it was found that around 1 in every 20 firms had doubts of their survival, and around 8 percent were forecasting deep troub le for themselves. The small businesses do not have high cash reserves or large proportion of capital assets which would be acting as collateral. So it becomes difficult for them to secure additional financing during economic crisis. Bankruptcy among the small businesses are common than the large firms because even banks do not take the guarantee of financing them during such situation (Forrest, and Yip, 2011). The current economic crisis has created major liquidity issues in the banks, which in turn has influenced the lending practices. Bank of England has reported that financial crisis has observed the weakest flow of funds to the small businesses in the UK. The demand for secured and unsecured lending has increased in the UK since 2009, but it has been noticed that the changing policies of the banks due to rising risk of bankruptcy and insolvency, has limited the supply of funds. Evidences have been accumulated that the small enterprises in UK have faced difficulties in accessing funds during the period of 2008-09. According to the Forum of Private Business Reports, poor flow of cash and late payments were the major issues that the Economic Downturn Panel has referred to. They have also highlighted that these were mainly due to the slow decision-making, lack of any sales activity, and the increasing cost of lending rates. It was found in June 2009, that in the UK, about 33 percent of the small businesses could not access financial aid from banks, and around 44 percent of the small firms had to face immense difficulty to receive financial assiatnce. All the above statistics reveal that it is indeed difficult to raise money in the present economic climate. This is the reason why other ways of financing need have to be evaluated, so that small businesses do not close down just because of not getting access to bank loans (Stokes, and Wilson, 2010). The alternative sources of funding are discussed below: Merchant Cash Advances: In this type of financing the lend er does not lend money on equated monthly installment (EMI) basis, but they are interested in the sale and purchase of credit card income of the future. So they collect a fixed percentage of the credit card income daily, until the loan is repaid (Department of Business Innovation & Skill, 2012).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Business information system - Essay Example There are many factors that are contributing to the increasing vulnerability of organizational information assets. Given below are some of the important factors that play significant role in making the organizational assets vulnerable (Prentice Hall, 2010; KingCounty, 2009; Turban et al., 2005): Internet Vulnerabilities The research has shown that open or public networks such as the Internet are more vulnerable than internal networks for the reason that they are virtually open to everyone. Hence, when the Internet turns out to be an important part of the business network, and the most of the business tasks are supported by this network then the organization’s information arrangements also become open for attacks from outsiders. Wireless Security Challenges Wireless networks based on radio technology are also vulnerable to security penetration for the reason that radio frequency bands are easy to scan and detect for the attackers. These days Wi-Fi technology is extensively avai lable and offering great deal of support for connectivity and information sharing. However, these networks always remain the major target of attackers which can cause problems for the organizations and attacks against information system. Malicious Software: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Spyware A malicious software program can cause a variety of threats for example worms, computer viruses and Trojan horses. These threats can cause massive destruction to organizations’ resources in the forms of theft of organizational information, personal data theft and huge danger to corporate and personal information. Hackers and Cybervandalism A hacker is a person who aims to obtain illegal access to an information system. However, in the hacking community, the term cracker is normally employed to demonstrate a hacker with criminal objectives, though in the public press, the terms cracker and hacker are employed interchangeably. These hackers can get access to an organization’s network and launch a variety of security attacks such as: (Prentice Hall, 2010; KingCounty, 2009; Turban et al., 2005): Spoofing and sniffing Denial of service attacks Identity theft Question 2: Contrast unintentional and deliberate threats to an information resource. Provide two (2) examples of both. Information systems are vulnerable and in danger due to a number of possible threats and hazards. However, there are two major types of threats known as deliberate threats and unintentional threats. Given below are acts with no malicious determination and with malicious determination (Rainer, 2009; Safari Books Online, 2013; E.Whitman, 2004): Unintentional Threats Device Loss Human errors or mistakes are the major causes of un-intentional threats that can happen due to human error or due to negligence of human. For example, a person who has lost his device, mobile or laptop which be misused by an attacker for carrying out illegal activities. Temporary Hires Temporary hires are also ma jor type of unintentional threats. In this scenario, temporary workers including contract labor, janitors, consultants, and guards can also create serious security loss for the organizations. Contract labor, for example temporary hires, can be ignored in information security policy. Though, these staff members can unintentionally access the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cindy Sherman Artist Biography

Cindy Sherman Artist Biography No other artist has ever made as extended or complex career of presenting herself to the camera as has Cindy Sherman. Yet, while all of her photographs are taken of Cindy Sherman, it is impossible to class call her works self-portraits. She has transformed and staged herself into as unnamed actresses in undefined B movies, make-believe television characters, pretend porn stars, undifferentiated young women in ambivalent emotional states, fashion mannequins, monsters form fairly tales and those which she has created, bodies with deformities, and numbers of grotesqueries. Her work as been praised and embraced by both feminist political groups and apolitical mainstream art. Essentially, Shermans photography is part of the culture and investigation of sexual and racial identity within the visual arts since the 1970s. It has been said that, The bulk of her workà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦has been constructed as a theater of femininity as it is formed and informed by mass culture (her) pictures insist on the aporia of feminine identity tout court, represented in her pictures as a potentially limitless range of masquerades, roles, projections (Sobieszek 229). Born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, Cindy Sherman grew up in suburban Huntington Beach on Long Island, the youngest of five children and had a regular American childhood. She was very self-involved, found of costumes, and given to spending hours at the mirror, playing with makeup (Schjeldahl 7). Cindy Sherman attended the state University College at Buffalo, New York, where she first started to create art in the medium of painting. During her college years, she painted self-portraits and realistic copies of images that she saw in photographs and magazines. Yet, she became less, and less interested in painting and became increasingly interested in conceptual, minimal, performance, body art, and film alternatives (Sherman 5). Shermans very first introductory photography class in college was a complete failure for she had difficulties with the technological aspects of making a print. After her disastrous first attempt in photography, Sherman discovered Contemporary Art, which had a profound and lasting effect on the rest of her artistic career (Thames and Hudson 1). Shermans first assignment in her photography class was to photograph something which gave her a problem, thus, Sherman chose to photograph her self naked. While this was difficult, she learned that having an idea was the most important factor in creating her art, not so much the technique that she used. While she was talented at copying with pencils and paints, this artistic method would not allow Sherman to express herself personally. But with a camera, Sherman could use her body as a tool (Sills 64). The young artist became fascinated by the way any image at all, simply being presented, activates a mysterious charge-neither subjective nor objective, but of both (Schjeldahl 7). In college, Sherman became active in the local avant-garde scene, the liveliest of two decades, and especially in Hallwalls, an artist-run alternative exhibition space (Heller 223). In 1975, while still attending college, Cindy She rman created her first series of five photographs entitled, Untitled A-E. Within these first photographs, Sherman attempts to alter her face with makeup and hats, attempting to take on different personas, such as a little girl in Untitled D, and a clown in Untitled A (Thames and Hudson 2). This first series is Shermans first attempt of documenting transformation. The Curator Linda Cathcart, saw the pictures at Hallwalls and put them at the Albright Knox Art Gallery (Heller 225). Because Sherman had such vivid imagination and became fascinated with self-transformation, Sherman often bought vintage clothes and accessories from thrift stores, which helped her to form and create different characters. So it just grew and grew until I was buying and collecting more and more of these things, and suddenly the characters came together just because I had so much of the detritus from them (Thames and Hudson 2 ). Sherman went even as far as wearing the costumes and dressing as different charact ers to gallery openings and events in Buffalo. She wore these costumes because she wanted to see how far she how transformed she could look (Haller 225). Yet, Sherman never considered dressing up for performance purposes because she was not maintaining a character but simply getting dressed up to go out (Thames and Hudson 2). Cindy Sherman began her famous series of Untitled Film Series at the end of 1977. The small black and white photographs are of Sherman impersonating female character types from old B grade movies, which speak to a generation of baby boomer women who had grown up absorbing these glamorous images ay home on their televisions, taking such portrayals as cues for their future (Thames and Hudson 1). Upon graduation of college in 1977, Cindy Sherman and her fellow student Robert Longo moved to Manhattan, New York together. She continued with her interest in role-playing and dressing up as different characters, and began to photograph herself in these different guises among different locations such as her apartment Untitled Film Still #10, in the Southwest in Untitled Film Still #43, and in Long Island in Untitled Film Still # 9. Shermans manipulation of lighting, makeup, and dress make it difficult to believe that all of the characters represented were indeed the same person (Heller 225). A ll of the portraits are of her but none of the works are in any way a self-portrait of Sherman. They are portraits of an identity that Sherman shares with every female who thinks of her life in the way of a cheap movie. For this reason alone, is why her work has been looked at for special by feminist who hold the view that women do not hold theories, but tell stories. In the stills it is important to get a deep and true understanding that her use of photography is more integral to the performance then a photographic record of what took place. (Danto 10-11). Each of the stills is about the girl in trouble, but in the aggregate they touch the myth we each carry out of childhood, of danger, love, and security that defines the human condition. Desire mixed with nostalgia fuels the allure of the Untitled Film Stills-desire for the woman depicted as well as desire to be that woman, during that time (Thames and Hudson 4). Sherman said that the last thing she wanted her pictures to have was emotion. The still only provided a framework through which her deeper artistic impulses found expression (Danto 9). She was most interested in what a character was like when they were completely emotionless (Sherman 8). These black and white photographs were purposely grainy because Sherman wanted them to look like cheap publicity shots. While, Sherman takes most of her own photographs using a remote shutter-release, some of her pictures are also taken by her family and friends. This Untitled Film Series was first exhibited in 1995, in the Hirshborn Museum of Washington D.C. In each of the photographs, Sherman is depicted alone, As a familiar but unidentifiable film heroine in an appropriate setting (Thames and Hudson 2). Some of the many characters depicted are of a perky B-movie librarian in Untitled Film Still #13; a voluptuous lower-class women from an Italian neo-realist film in Untitled Film still #35; and a young secretary in the city Untitled Film Still # 21 (Thames and Hud son 2). In terms of the untitled film still #35 and Untitled Film still #15, both depict Sherman as a seductress, Sherman says To pick a character like that was about my own ambivalence about sexuality-growing up with the woman role models that I had, and a lot of them in films, that were like that character, and yet you were supposed to be a good girl (Thames and Hudson 2). Sherman encourages the viewers participation in constructing their own narratives of her Untitled Film Still #10, Untitled Film Still # 14, and Untitled Film Still #65 (Thames and Hudson 3) Sherman created sixty-nine photographs in total, presenting her works in an array of types. According to Judith Williamson, force upon the viewers that elision of image and identity which women experience all the timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Thames and Hudson 3). Cindy Shermans Untitled Film Stills are also seen as related to feminist performance work of the 1970s by artists such as Adrian Piper and Eleanor Antin. Sherman is also noted as being heavily influenced by these artists. The Untitled Film Series are not only photographic records of performance but performative accounts of filmic images (Thames and Hudson 4). Sherman ended her sixty-nine photograph scenes in 1980, when she began to realize that she was duplicating previously used characters, clichà ©s, and stereotypes. Cindy Shermans next series or collection of photographs was her first working color called the Rear Screen Projections, which exude the artifice of a television show. With her increasing desire to work at home, Sherman created her photographs in front of a projected screen, which she projected slides of outdoor and indoor scenes. Viewing the photographs one can obviously tell that the background is fake. The very realistic and sometimes quite closely cropped images of Sherman contrast with the blurry and substantial settings, heightening the artifice of the entire scene (Thames and Hudson 5). Her second series concentrates on the 1960s and 1970s rather then the 1950s depicted in the Untitled Film Series. Rather then female victims, the Rear Screen Projections depict women who are confident and independent, usually youthful, middle-class women in the real world. The characters of the Rear Screen Projections are best identified as being counterparts of women in the media of the 1970s s uch as Mary Richards character in The Mary Tyler Moore television series (Thames and Hudson 5). In 1981, after creating a portfolio of images for an issue of Artforum, Sherman became inspired by the magazines horizontal format and produced a series of works that refer to the photo spreads in photographic magazines. This is said to be Shermans first mature work. These large photographs are in color, are cropped and close-up with each image depicting a young woman looking off to the side with a vacant and vulnerable look. She keeps background details to a minimum allowing the attention to be drawn to the figure. Shermans horizontals suggest a profound transgression against form. Within these pictures have there is no coherent point of view (Sobieszek, 25). When Sherman showed this series, she was criticized by some for having created women that reaffirm sexist stereotypes, therefore Artforum rejecting this series. Critics have found Untitled #93 as the most suggestive of all her works. This photograph shows a woman with messy hair and smudged makeup in bed covering her eyes, whil e looking toward the light that shines in her eyes. Although Sherman has stated that She was imagining someone who had just come home in the early morning from being out partying all night, and the sun wakes her shortly after she has gone to bed (Thames and Hudson 6). Critics on the other hand have read this photograph as a rape portrayal. Misreading of the centerfolds became very common because people tried to create stories from them, discovering hidden meanings where none were present (Schjeldahl 9). Much like her earlier works, the centerfolds mimic and repeat mass media modes. In the Pink Robe series, Sherman uses herself once again to imitate the stance of porno models, choosing to pose only in a pink chenille bathrobe. This series conveys a state of loveless intimacy, intimacy without understanding or personal tenderness (Schjeldahl 10). In this series, Sherman responds to the criticism of the centerfold series, and switches to a vertical format in order to do away with the vulnerability of the characters. Yet, the Pink Robe Series is just a continuation of the Centerfold series because Sherman thinks of these images as depiction of the porno model during breaks between posing for nude shots (Thames and Hudson 7). Sherman sits in front of the camera deciding to appear as un-sexy and without makeup or wigs, staring directly toward the viewer. Many critics interpret this series as the real Cindy and most revealing of all of her photographs (Thames and Hudson 7). Sherman has produced four groups of works that quote from fashion photography. In Shermans fashion series, she reminds the viewer that that fashion allows us to create and display a wide range of appearances as if we each possessed a wide range of identities (Sobieszek, 253). Her first fashion series was commissioned in 1983 for a spread in Interview magazine. Provided with designer clothes such as Jean-Paul Gaultier, Sherman undoubtedly provided an antithesis of a glamour ads. The models look silly but utterly delighted in their high fashion frocks. Her second commissioned fashion photographs are even more bizarre from the previous works, with the models looking dejected in Untitled #137, exaggeratedly wrinkled in Untitled #132, and even homicidal in Untitled #138. It appears inevitable that Sherman would be drawn to fashion spreads because fashion is yet another means of masquerade for women, and ads for clothing promise to convert the buyer into a more perfect version of herself ( Thames and Hudson 8). Like all advertisements, fashion photographs manufacture a desire in a woman that could never be filled. Sherman uses her fashion photographs to undermine the desirability of such images by emphasizing their manipulating nature (Thames and Hudson 8). In the fairy tales and monster series, Sherman reminds us of the monsters from childhood memories and may be suggesting through these photographs that everyone harbors a secret, repressed self that can shift form and shape at will (Sobieszek, 253). The undercurrent turned, rather startling in the 1980s into a torrent of gore and rage when she switched to using a larger format and often lurid colors, and to concocting increasingly horrific and surreal images (Kimmelman 142). These images represent a time in her career when her images truly become strange and surreal. These photographs are unusual not only because of their horrific images, but also because a viewer is unaccustomed to seeing such stories represented in photographs. The strangest scene appears in Untitled #150, In which an androgyn with a huge, extended tongue fills the foreground, and tiny figures stand in the landscape behind it, making it seem like a giant among Lilliputians (Thames and Hudson 9). Shermans Fairy Tales do not depict a specific example, but evoke a narrative form. By the early 1990s Sherman had tired of creating these shocking images turning to art history for inspiration. The result was a series of photographic portraits of her returning as the model, transformed by her usual false noses, bosoms, into both male and female figures as painted by various old masters of Western painting (Heller 225). Even when Sherman was creating history portraits she worked out of books, with reproduction, she says that Its the aspect of photography that I appreciate, conceptually: the idea that images can be reproduced and seen anytime, anywhere, by anyone ( Kimmelman 145). Just like all the rest of her works, the history paintings do not depict a particular painting but depicts types for the history genre. Sherman creates the most memorable and humorous pictures of women. Often spoofing the awkward depictions of the female anatomy of the Old Masters paintings. Understanding how ridiculous these history paintings are helps the viewer understand that Sherman is mocking the Western canon and its depiction of royalty and religious figures (Thames and Hudson 12). Shermans next career move was to a raunchy pornographic depiction of individuals called the Sex Pictures. Using mannequins and body parts form medical catalogues, she constructs hybrid dolls. Rather then showing the dolls having sex, Sherman proudly shows the sex. Sherman created these works in response to the controversy over the National Endowment for the arts ands the debates over the constitute obscenity in the arts. Typically, pornography portrays sex as anonymous, but in Shermans series she depicts sex as ridiculous (Thames and Hudson 14). It Shermans work, the notion of self is completely abandoned, replaced by the concept of multiplicity, dissociation, and fluidity. Yet, her portraits do not appear as performances only unstable representations in ambiguous non-narratives making brief appearances, caught in a moment of ambivalent emotional expression (Sobieszek, 253). Much of her work is clearly meant to be ambiguous. Her pictures have been interpreted as feminist indictments of gender stereotyping, but Sherman insists that she is not political (Heller 226). References Danto, Arthur C. Cindy Sherman: Untitled Film Stills. New York: Rizzoli, 1990.. Heller, Nancy G. Women Artists and Illustrated History. New York: Abbeville Press, 1987. Kimmelman, Michael. Portraits. New York: Random House, 1998. Schjeldahl, Peter. Cindy Sherman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. Sherman, Cindy. The complete Untitled Film Stills. New York: The museum Of Modern Art, 2003. Sills, Leslie. In Real Life: Six Women Photographers. New York: Holiday House, 2000. Sobieszek, Robert A. Photography and The Human Soul 1850-2000. Los Angles: MIT Press and Los Angles County Museum of Art, 1999 Thames and Hudson. Cindy Sherman Retrospective. Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1998.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Human Cloning is Wrong :: essays research papers

Is human cloning wrong? Many people over the years and today have been asking themselves that question. In my opinion cloning would be playing God. Since the beginning of time God has devised a good and proper plan to make babies. Why mess with it? The process of cloning scientifically means to genetically copy an organism and create a â€Å"replica† that has the same DNA, whose cells time have been turned back, yet the two are not exactly the same. Over the past decades many cloning experiences had failed. Cloning was first tried in 1938 by a German embryologist, Han Spemann, yet it failed. It was not until 1970 when cloning became possible. The first animals to be cloned were frogs, and over time, cows, pigs, a sheep (only Dolly), and monkeys have been successful. For example, Dolly, born July 5, 1995, was the first mammal to be successfully cloned out of 200 embryos, at Roslin institute in Scotland. The team that created her, led by Scotsman Ian Wilmut, hoped to create an animal whose cells were genetically young again, rather than prematurely adult, but on February14, 2006, six years later after she was born, they had put her to sleep. She was diagnosed with lung disease, however it’s a fairly common disease in sheep, she also had premature arthritis. Nobody knows if her death has anything to do with being cloned. Over 200 sheep failed embryos were thrown away, so if the failure rate was that high when we start to clone humans more than 200 embryos/200 human beings would die for just one embryo that would have the same DNA as someone else†¦ think about it. The ones that may survive may die later, catch infections that’s soon leads to death, or have abnormities and many more Studies shown that 4 outta 12 cow birth mothers died. Just imagine human birth mothers, we would be killing many innocent lives. However the cloning of any species whether they are human or not its morally wrong no matter how beneficial to humanity as it may b e. People should be aware on the negatives of cloning, it’s unethical, very risky, and my eyes just plain wrong. In addition, cloning involves killing a great number of embryos. Therefore, out of many of animals that were cloned, very few have survived and the ones that have cant live on their own and have become dependant on scientists for everything down to oxygen. Human Cloning is Wrong :: essays research papers Is human cloning wrong? Many people over the years and today have been asking themselves that question. In my opinion cloning would be playing God. Since the beginning of time God has devised a good and proper plan to make babies. Why mess with it? The process of cloning scientifically means to genetically copy an organism and create a â€Å"replica† that has the same DNA, whose cells time have been turned back, yet the two are not exactly the same. Over the past decades many cloning experiences had failed. Cloning was first tried in 1938 by a German embryologist, Han Spemann, yet it failed. It was not until 1970 when cloning became possible. The first animals to be cloned were frogs, and over time, cows, pigs, a sheep (only Dolly), and monkeys have been successful. For example, Dolly, born July 5, 1995, was the first mammal to be successfully cloned out of 200 embryos, at Roslin institute in Scotland. The team that created her, led by Scotsman Ian Wilmut, hoped to create an animal whose cells were genetically young again, rather than prematurely adult, but on February14, 2006, six years later after she was born, they had put her to sleep. She was diagnosed with lung disease, however it’s a fairly common disease in sheep, she also had premature arthritis. Nobody knows if her death has anything to do with being cloned. Over 200 sheep failed embryos were thrown away, so if the failure rate was that high when we start to clone humans more than 200 embryos/200 human beings would die for just one embryo that would have the same DNA as someone else†¦ think about it. The ones that may survive may die later, catch infections that’s soon leads to death, or have abnormities and many more Studies shown that 4 outta 12 cow birth mothers died. Just imagine human birth mothers, we would be killing many innocent lives. However the cloning of any species whether they are human or not its morally wrong no matter how beneficial to humanity as it may b e. People should be aware on the negatives of cloning, it’s unethical, very risky, and my eyes just plain wrong. In addition, cloning involves killing a great number of embryos. Therefore, out of many of animals that were cloned, very few have survived and the ones that have cant live on their own and have become dependant on scientists for everything down to oxygen.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

An Analysis of The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay

One of the main themes of the novel, The Pearl, which was written by John Steinbeck, is the destructive force of greed. The author presented this concept in a variety of ways in the story such as the use parallelism of the imagery to the characters in the novel, the setting of the story that justifies the characters’ actions, and the sudden transformation of the characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basically, the story takes place in depressed Mexican-Indian community in La Paz where the novel’s two main characters, Kino, a poor pearl diver, and his wife, Juana, live in. While the story revolves mainly around the life of the couple, particularly, Keno, the author used them to symbolize the impoverished state of the community in which they live in. The story begins with Coyotito being stung by a poisonous scorpion. When Kino and Juana were unable to treat their son, who was shown to be in extreme pain, they took him to a doctor. However, the doctor, upon learning that the couple did not have any money, turns them away and pretended to be unavailable at the moment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this part of the story, Steinbeck already showed how greed played an important role in adversely affecting the lives of Kino and Juana through momentarily shifting the focus of characterization. The doctor, who is bound by an oath that compels him to help all those who are sick, regardless of their economic status, refused to treat the couple’s son because he was greedy and did not want to treat them unless he gets paid with money. The doctor also symbolized the obstacles and oppression that Kino faces in their impoverished community, which was, in a way, used to justify his greedy actions later on in the novel. Moreover, the use of nature’s imagery in the first chapter of the novel generally mirrored Kino’s personality. In the opening chapter 1, Kino deeply observes the beauty of the garden of his home, which reflects the innocence he only had at the beginning of the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the couple was turned down by the doctor, Kino became desperate but fortunately found a very large and rare pearl in one of his dives. The author used this part of the story as a turning point in Kino’s personality. This part of the story also depicted the greed of the other minor characters of the novel such as the priest of La Paz, who agreed to help Kino only after he discovered that he had the pearl, and the doctor, who changed his mind and helped Kino only after he found out that the fisherman was in possession of a rare pearl.   Moreover, although Kino’s intentions were primarily to buy a cure for his son by selling the pearl, he was blinded by his greed as shown in his desire to sell the pearl only to the highest bidder. Days after he found the pearl, his entire family experienced a lot of misfortunes. Several men attempted to steal the pearl from him and although they were unsuccessful, this led to Kino committing acts he normally did not do such as violence and murder. In addition, Kino’s attitude towards his family suddenly changed which was illustrated when he beat up his wife Juana after she insisted that they get rid of the pearl for fear of the misfortune it will bring them in the future. Even after their house was burned down, Kino still insisted on keeping the pearl and escaped to a nearby the mountain with his family since they believed he will be hunted by the authorities after he killed one of the men of attempted to steal his prized possession. They then discover that they were being pursued by three men and when Kino tried to surprise them, they kill his son, Coyotito. He responded by killing all of them and the next day the story ended with Kino returning to La Paz where he throws the pearl to the sea for good. The events at the mountain were another form of nature imagery used by the author. This time, Steinbeck used the mountain to reflect life’s darker side which is characterized struggles and hardships. In this case, however, it was still Kino’s greed that led to these events. Overall, Steinbeck clearly expresses that man’s desire for excessive property and riches would eventually lead to destruction as portrayed by Kino who lost his son, his house, and his innocence in his greedy desire to sell the pearl and amass wealth. References Steinbeck, J. (2002). The Pearl (Centennial Edition). New York: Penguin

Friday, November 8, 2019

Using Antes and Related Spanish Phrases

Using Antes and Related Spanish Phrases Antes is a common way of saying  before, but it is often necessary to use it in the phrases antes de and antes de que.   How To Use Antes The easiest way to think about the differences between antes by itself and the two phrases is to consider which part of the sentence antes connects with. If it affects the meaning of the entire sentence or of a verb, then its functioning as an adverb and stands alone. Another way of thinking about this, although it doesnt cover all instances, is that  if it makes sense to translate antes as beforehand or earlier (theyre both adverbs) then you should use antes by itself: Antes fuimos a la ciudad. (Earlier, we went to the city.)No lo habà ­a visto antes. (I had not seen it beforehand.)Yo corrà ­a ms antes.  (Earlier, I used to run more.)Antes habà ­a muchos casos de tuberculosis en las zona. (Before, there were many tuberculosis cases in the area.) Antes de (not antes de que), on the other hand, functions like a two-word preposition and connects with a noun that follows (or an infinitive functioning as  a noun): Fue difà ­cil viajar antes de la era industrial.  (It was difficult to travel before the industrial era.)Yo tenà ­a miedo antes del comunicado oficial.  (I was afraid before the official announcement.)Llene este formulario antes de salir.  (Fill out this form before leaving.)No creers cà ³mo Disney hacà ­a sus pelà ­culas antes de las computadoras. (You will not believe how Disney made its films before there were computers.) Finally, antes de que (or antes que, a regional variation used the same way), functions as a subordinating conjunction, which indicates the connection between one event and another and is followed by a noun and a verb (or a verb where the noun is implied): Necesito perder peso antes de que empiece el verano. (I need to lose weight before summer begins.)Mi padre se fue antes que yo naciera.  (My father left before I was born.)Antes de que estudiemos el sol, aprenderemos un algo sobre los tomos de hidrà ³geno.  (Before studying the sun, we will learn something about hydrogen atoms.)Controle su ira antes de que ella le controle a usted. (Control your anger before it controls you.) Note that as in the above examples, the verb following antes de que or antes que is in the subjunctive mood. This is true even when the subjunctive verb refers to something that definitely will or already has happened. One way of understanding the differences is to look at the three variations used in sentences that begin the same: Lo sabà ­a todo antes. I knew it all before. (Antes affects the meaning of the entire sentence and functions as an adverb. This is the only example of these three where beforehand or earlier would work as a translation.)Lo sabà ­a todo antes de hoy. I knew it all before today. (Antes de functions as a preposition with hoy, a noun, as its object.)Lo sabà ­a todo antes (de) que comenzara el trabajo. I knew it all before the job began. (Antes (de) que indicates the time connection between what could otherwise be two sentences.) Ante vs. Antes Although ante is sometimes translated as before, it should not be confused with antes. Although the two words are clearly related, they have separate uses. In modern Spanish, ante is a preposition that means before only in the sense of being in the presence of or in the face of. Common translations include in front of or facing. It can also be translated at considering or compared to. Ha subido las escaleras y se ha colocado ante la estatua de la diosa. (He had climbed the stairs and had planted himself in front of the statue of the goddess.)En una ocasià ³n me invitaron a hablar ante las estudiantes de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard. (One time they invited me to speak before Harvard Business School students.)Tenemos que aprender a ser tolerantes ante nuestras diferencias raciales. (We need to learn to be tolerant in light of our racial differences.) ¿Te gustarà ­a vivir ante la playa y con maravillosas vistas a mar y montaà ±a? (Would you like living facing the beach with marvelous views of sea and mountain?) Key Takeaways Antes functions as an adverb that, when used by itself, typically means before or earlier.The phrases antes de and antes de que function as a two-word preposition and three-word conjunction, respectively.Ante is a preposition that often means in front of or considering.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Typing Spanish Diacritical Marks on Windows Keyboards

Typing Spanish Diacritical Marks on Windows Keyboards You can type in Spanish on Microsoft Windows machines- complete with accented letters and inverted punctuation- even if youre using a keyboard that shows English characters only. There are essentially three approaches to typing Spanish in Windows. First, use the international keyboard configuration that is part of Windows, best for if you frequently type in Spanish. Alternatively, you can use built in character maps. Finally, you can use some awkward key combinations if you have only the occasional need, if youre at an Internet cafà ©, or if youre borrowing someone elses machine. Tips If you often type in Spanish in Microsoft Windows, you should  install the international keyboard software that is part of Windows and use the right Alt key for the Spanish symbols.If the keyboard software isnt available, you can use the character map app to individually select the letters and special characters you need.The numeric keypad on a full-size keyboard can also be used for Spanish characters using Alt codes. Configuring the International Keyboard Windows XP: From the main Start menu, go to the Control Panel and click on the Regional and Language Options icon. Select the Languages tab and click the Details... button. Under Installed Services click Add... Find the United States-International option and select it. In the pull-down menu, select United States-International as the default language. Click OK to exit the menu system and finalize the installation.Windows Vista: The method is very similar to that for Windows XP. From the Control Panel, select Clock, Language and Region. Under Regional and Language Options, pick Change keyboard or other input method. Select the General tab. Under Installed Services click Add... Find the United States-International option and select it. In the pull-down menu, select United States-International as the default language. Click OK to exit the menu system and finalize the installation.Windows 8 and 8.1: The method is similar to that for earlier versions of Windows. From the Control Panel, sel ect Language. Under Change your language preferences, click on Options to the right of the already installed language, which will probably be English (United States) if youre from the U.S. Under Input method, click on Add an input method. Select United States-International. This will add the international keyboard to a menu located at the lower right of the screen. You can use the mouse to choose between it and the standard English keyboard. You can also switch keyboards by pressing the Windows key and the space bar simultaneously. Windows 10: From the Ask me anything search box in the lower left, type Control (without the quotes) and launch the Control Panel. Under Clock, Language, and Region, select Change input methods. Under Change your language preferences, you will likely see English (United States) as your current option. (If not, adjust the following steps accordingly.) Click on Options to the right of the language name. Click on Add an input method and choose United States-International.  This will add the international keyboard to a menu  located at the lower right of the screen. You can use the mouse to choose between it and the standard English keyboard. You can also switch keyboards by pressing the Windows key and the space bar simultaneously. International Symbols on the Right Alt Key The easier  of the two available ways of using the international keyboard involves pressing the right Alt key (the key labeled Alt or sometimes AltGr on the right side of the keyboard, usually to the right of the space bar) and then another key simultaneously. To add the accents to the vowels, press the right Alt key at the same time as the vowel. For example, to type , press the right Alt key and the A at the same time. If youre capitalizing to make , youll have to press three keys simultaneously- A, right Alt, and shift. The method is the same for the à ±, n with the tilde. Press the right Alt and the n at the same time. To capitalize it, also press the shift key. To type the à ¼, youll need to press right Alt and the Y key. The inverted question mark ( ¿) and inverted exclamation point ( ¡) are done similarly. Press right Alt and the 1 key (which also is used for the exclamation point) for the inverted exclamation point. For the inverted question mark, press right Alt and /, the question mark key, at the same time. The only other special character used in Spanish but not English are the angular quotation marks ( « and  »). To make those, press the right Alt key and either bracket key [ or ] to the right of the P simultaneously. Special Characters Using Sticky Keys The sticky keys method can be used to make accented vowels, too. To make an accented vowel, press , the single-quote key (usually to the right of ; the semicolon), and then release it and type the vowel. To make à ¼, press the shift and quote keys (as if you were making , a double quote) and then, after releasing, type the u. Because of the stickiness of the quote key, when you type a quote mark, initially nothing will appear on your screen until you type the next character. If you type anything other than a vowel (which will show up accented), the quote mark will appear followed by the character you just typed. To type a quote mark, youll need to press the quote key twice. Note that some word processors or other software may not let you use the key combinations of the international keyboard because they are reserved for other uses. Typing Spanish Without Reconfiguring the Keyboard If you have a full-size keyboard, Windows has two ways to type almost any character, as long as it exists in the font you are using. You can type in Spanish this way without having to set up the international software, although both options are cumbersome. If youre using a laptop, you may be limited to the first method below. Character Map: Access character map, access the start menu and type charmap in the search box. Then select the charmap program in the search results. If character map is available in the regular menu system, you can also select it that way. From there, click on the character you want, then click Select, then Copy. Place your cursor in your document by clicking where you wish the character to appear, and then paste the character into your text by pressing CtrlV, or right clicking and selecting Paste from the menu.Numeric Keypad: Windows allows the user to type any available character, including diacritical marks, by holding down one of the Alt keys while typing in a numeric code on the numeric keypad, if one is available. For example, to type the em dash (- ), hold down Alt while typing 0151 on the numeric keypad. Alt codes only work on the numeric keypad, not with the number row above the letters. Character Alt Code 0225 0193 à © 0233 É 0201 à ­ 0237 à  0205 à ± 0241 Ñ 0209 à ³ 0243 Ó 0211 à º 0250 Ú 0218 à ¼ 0252 ÃÅ" 0220  ¿ 0191  ¡ 0161  « 0171  » 0187 - 0151

Monday, November 4, 2019

Effective Leadership Within an Organisational Context Essay - 1

Effective Leadership Within an Organisational Context - Essay Example This intentional feature of acquiescence distinguishes from the various kinds of manipulations reliant on recognized or official power. The final aspect focuses on the fact that the consequences of leadership lead to deriving desired behavior from the followers. These desired actions are supposed to be decisive and are targeted towards an objective in a particular organisation structure. Leadership has been considered immensely significant with regard to the organizations. Leadership is the procedure which ascertains the attainment of the organizational objectives by all the individuals which also helps the organizations to achieve success. The notion of leadership entails the factor of influence. Leadership takes into concern the ways by which the followers are manipulated by the leader. Influence is considered to be an integral part of leadership as leadership would cease to exist without the presence or inclusion of manipulation. Leadership is also believed to take place in groups. The chief purpose of leadership entails manipulating a group consisting of various individuals involved with a common objective. The referred group could be a particular community group, little task group or even a big group representing a complete organization. Leadership refers to the process that is undertaken by a single individual to manipulate a particular group for the reason of attainment of objectives (Northouse, 2009). Leadership also entails the focus towards a common objective. The forces as well powers of leaders are bestowed towards particular or definite individuals who attempt and desire to accomplish something together. Common objective implies that the followers, as well as the leaders, look forward to a mutual objective. The focus towards common objectives provides the facet of leadership a moral implication as it emphasizes on the requirement of the leaders to put in their efforts along with their followers for the reason of attaining chosen objectives.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Nothing in Much Ado About Nothing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nothing in Much Ado About Nothing - Essay Example This is why his plays have made it into college classrooms and their popularity has endured through the centuries. He was a master at making almost universal commentaries about human organization and behavior in a way that also served to entertain. It's important to remember, though, that the original context for Shakespeare’s plays was the same context in which plays are performed today. They were originally intended to provide a simple evening's worth of entertainment for the price of a ticket with the hope that the audience would continue to come back for more. â€Å"Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed to an audience from different social classes and of varying levels of intellect. Thus they contain down-to-earth characters who appeal to the working classes, side-by-side with complexities of plot which would satisfy the appetites of the aristocrats among the audience† (Geraghty). One of his more popular romantic comedies is the play Much Ado About Nothing in which the word 'nothing' takes on numerous meanings and has an effect on characters actions throughout the play. The play takes place at the home of Leonato, a nobleman of Messina and centers around the stories of two young couples. The female half of these couples are residents of Leonato's house, his daughter Hero and his niece Beatrice. The action begins with the expected arrival of the prince Don Pedro and his party including the male halves of these romantic couples. Claudio is a young nobleman and Benedick is a clever man who has proven himself valuable. An unwelcome part of the crowd is Don John, Don Pedro's illegitimate brother who expresses all the typical bitterness and resentment expressed in characters placed in this life role. Benedick and Beatrice are already acquainted with each other and quickly resume their years long banter back and forth. As they compete with each other over which one can get the most words in, Claudio and Hero are quietly falling in l ove with each other. They decide to marry with the wedding planned in a week. To help pass the time until the wedding day, Hero and Claudio agree with the others to play a game on Beatrice and Benedick designed to force them to finally admit their love for each other. The trick works, but it isn't the only one in the works. Don John, jealous and anxious to cause trouble, convinces one of his men to make love to Hero's maid Margaret at Hero's window one night. As Borachio is busy doing this, Don John brings Don Pedro and Claudio to the garden outside Hero's window where they believe they are seeing Hero being unfaithful to her betrothed. Naturally filled with rage, Claudio calls off the wedding, but does so in a very humiliating way at the ceremony in front of the gathering. The family, finally convinced she might be telling the truth that it wasn't her, decide to pretend she died of her shock and grief in the hope that the truth would come out. It nearly comes to a fight between Cla udio and almost everyone else until the night watchman hears Borachio talking about what he'd done. Claudio, in his grief and to amend for his error, agrees to marry another one of Hero's cousins. It isn't until they are before the altar that Claudio finally realizes the veiled woman standing with him is really Hero. The play ends with Beatrice and Benedick getting married and everyone joining in a celebratory dance. One of the major motifs that runs through this play, giving it

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Valhalla Partners Due Diligence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Valhalla Partners Due Diligence - Case Study Example Deciding to go ahead and invest in Telco Exchange would create a nice future for Valhalla if everything went well. Art Marks is educated and has plenty of real-world experience that will assist with making a fair and important decision. This opportunity, if Art Marks decided to vote yes, would allow Valhalla to test out their new due diligence process and decided whether or not the process was a good idea. The Due diligence process consisted of a twelve step process that followed a certain order. This certain order was important for Valhalla to become the most profitable and aid companies that it may be investing in. The steps began with a one-pager, and then deep diligence would begin. Next would be an investment memo followed by an investment decision. The decision would lead to a present term sheet, negotiating terms, a 100-day plan, and a close. Following the close are an active board stewardship, finance and research assistance, critical moves and an exit. This due diligence pro cess would play a huge role in the decision by Marks. After learning about the company and what it has to offer, Art Marks should vote yes on investing in Telco Exchange. Telco Exchange is already in business with popular companies like IKON and Marriot. If these already established companies were able to seek services from Telco Exchange it was likely that with the right marketing, Telco Exchange can become more popular and become more successful. Becoming more successful would make Telco Exchange a better investment. The Due Diligence process would help ensure that Telco Exchange is where Valhalla wants it to be. An appropriate valuation for Valhalla and Telco Exchange is to work with one another. Working with one another and coming to an agreement that is beneficial to both businesses will create better relations between the two and open up more opportunities in the future. Valhalla partners need to think about how the future of a successful Telco Exchange can benefit Valhalla. L ike any company, Telco Exchange faces risks. Risks can be changeable and benefit investors or they can be unchangeable and make investing seem like a waste of money. The top three risks facing Telco Exchange are easy to move past. One of the main risks is marketing. Marketing is important for companies to get there name out there and move forward. The memo doesn’t really state the marketing that Telco Exchange has in place. A good marketing strategy will help improve Telco Exchange and make Telco look more appealing to investors. The second risk associated with Telco Exchange is the issues it faces with software. The software can never be perfect and will always require upgrading and repairs. What does Telco have in store for upgrading and improving software? Companies are always going to want the best and the easiest.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Examination of a Teen Killer Essay Example for Free

The Examination of a Teen Killer Essay Every Year there is a reported deathly school shooting around the world. Every year it is the same story about how a frustrated teen takes out his anger on the fellow students at school. In the next upcoming paragraphs I will digress on The Killer at Thurston High’s actions through Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. Kip Kinkel had psychological problems at a young age. His family went to live in Spain for a year; this is where the problems began. Kip was only in the first grade and he was just learning English and since he was able to speak just in English, he would have difficulties understanding his Spanish teacher. Kip’s frustration came from his past language experiences, and also the never-ending weight on him of living up to the Kinkel name. It was way too much for a preteen like Kip to be involved with. He had the all-American: â€Å"perfect family†, if you will, but in his mind he did not feel welcomed. Kip thought of himself as the imperfect son, his sister on the other hand was athletic, smart, and well known by almost everyone in their community. The Kinkel parents were highly respected because of their field of a teaching career. This all left Kip down and depressed during most periods of his life. On May 21, Kinkel had been suspended for bringing a firearm to school the previous day, the suspension day came and Kip reacted by driving his father’s car to school. The 15 year old was covered by a trench coat with a 9-mm Glock and a 22-calibur pistol hidden underneath. Kip Kinkel opened fire in the cafeteria of Thurston High School in Springfield Oregon, killing two students and injuring as many as 20 others. The explanations of his actions are indescribable. From a sociologist stand point, how Kip reacted towards weapons would be a major factor to keep in mind. In this case Kip resolved many of his solutions by either firing guns that he’d gotten from his father, or by detonating home-made explosives. This shows how Kip Kinkel deals with his emotions on the inside. After the crisis at Thurston High school, the sheriffs deputies went to the Kinkel residence. There they found loud music playing in the main living room and the rotten smell of decaying bodies. During the confession tape of Kip Kinkel, he said that he loved his parents dearly, and that he â€Å"had to do it†. The deputies found the body of William P. Kinkel, 59 covered by a sheet in the first floor bathroom. Kip’s mother Faith M. Kinkel, 57 was found later in the garage  also covered by a white sheet. An anthropologist could only describe the purpose of the blaring music being played. Kip grew up listening to a lot of violent music, watching many death related movies, and also just becoming inflicted by the social media around him. Kip Kinkel felt that he had to do what he did in order to achieve bliss. These anthropological factors had a big influence on all of the actions that Kip pursued. In my opinion, this entire turn of deathly events could only be controlled through Kip Kinkel’s personal and psychological mind. As it was stated before, Kip grew up feeling that he was unwelcome and always alone in his life. This made him very frustrated and upset with himself, thus resulting in his aggressive solutions, (firearms and explosives). So if Kip grew up believing that he was a good kid, and that he could actually achieve other things that other people could do, he wouldn’t have been the Killer at Thurston High. In conclusion, the fact that Kipland Kinkel was raised in a different country and held back a grade made him a frustrated child right from the start. He was also an all American kid, who was raised around heavy firearms and this impacted his decisions to express his emotions violently. The final point that describes Kip’s actions is how he always listened to aggressive and shallow music, which resulted in him being more deep and dark, and also made him feel like he needed to do the things he did in order to move on. So the story of Kipland Kinkel is an older one, but keep in mind that something like this could happen anywhere!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Abortion is a Choice Essays -- Papers Argumentative Pro-choice Life Es

Abortion is a Choice Abortion is a very controversial issue that has been continually argued over the past few years and will continue for years to come. Before I get into the sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus, or unborn child while the child is still in the mother's womb. There are two sides to this abortion topic. The Pro-life which is those who are against abortion altogether and the Pro-choice those who believe it is the women's right to choose if she wants to have an abortion. Personally, I am Pro-choice and I believe there are many clear-cut reasons to why I take this stand. In my paper I will support my position with facts about abortion, and areas where Pro-life imply that those in support of a woman's right to choose abortion are killers--meaning "anti-life," which is altogether untrue. First off I want to state that for a quarter of a century millions of women have grown up under the protection of "Roe vs. Wade," secure in the knowledge that freedom to choose is a fundamental American value, and a constitutionally protected right. Although some oppose abortion, it may be due to either lack of knowledge, or that opponents of abortion rights claim that over 90% of all abortions are used as a substitute for a contraceptive (Quick Facts). Abortionists exclude from this definition that only some of those performed are because of a woman's life in danger, there is severe fatal deformity, or because the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest. Implying women in general are irresponsible and those who would choose abortion do so, with out carefully considering the impact of their decisions upon themselves and their families. A reason to why I am Pro-choice... ...he bible. Well what about other religions? What if a person doesn't even know of GOD, or believe in them? Does this mean that they are going to go to heaven and hell, when they don't even know what heaven and hell are? I feel that the decision of abortion must remain within the individual, and should be made on the basis of values and personal religious principles, whether they choose to include religion or not, and should remain free from political interference. In conclusion, the issue of abortion continues to be discussed, debated, and even unfortunately, blow out of proportion. In hopes of settling this controversial issue, I've given my knowledge and beliefs on the matter. Getting across my main points, that it is the women's right to choose if she wants to have an abortion, and that Pro-life imply a lot of misimpressions to society which are untrue.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Online Innovation :: essays research papers

Project overview: There is a great need for a full service and price competitive on-line meat shop. At this point, we may explain our company nature before and after go online like from â€Å"Blick and Mortar† to â€Å"Click and Mortar†? If we combine this need being met with the feel of shopping at a real â€Å"home town† meat shop our competitive advantage will be far greater than that of our competitors. There are very few alternatives for on-line meat shops. There are notch stores such as that ships bison meat at a premium and targets only a small demographic. Also, there are full product providers like However there prices are wildly out of line compared to a â€Å"home town meat shop.† Should we emphasize our low cost of operation and production, which cause our low price offered? It is clear the on-line community is underserved in this area and it is evident that there is much room for growth and profitability in the on-line meat market industry. Value proposition: What we propose is a partnership with local meat shops in the US to achieve maximum shipping savings and product quality. Is this partnership including Delivery Service Company? Since we’ll offer free shipping to customers, we may need to mention about long term relationship or contract with Delivery Company. Practically, we won’t survive if we need to pay high for each shipment, isn’t it? We believe that we can offer the same meats at the same price as walking into the store and picking it off the shelf by offering subscriptions to our customers and creating a commission based service fee to the vendors. The subscriptions and commissions from the vendor (individual customer?) would be our revenue. The vendor would profit by name recognition on the site, increased sales from on-line purchases, and only pays in return for sales. Since we will be working with a â€Å"home town meat shop† we will have a competitive bundle of satisfactions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of “I Have a Dream” Essay

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln oversaw the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. Although all black slaves were freed by this proclamation, unfortunately, the oppression towards African Americans was far from over. It wasn’t until the mid 1900’s that African Americans took a stand against this ongoing segregation and racism. Amongst all the civil rights leaders that arose during this time, MLK was arguably the most influential figure. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), thousands of African Americans, as well as many of other individuals, marched to Washington D.C. to witness the speech that many people today regard as one of the greatest speeches in history. MLK goes in depth outlining the problems with racism as he simultaneously invokes feeling of sympathy in the audience. Furthermore, through his use of various other rhetorical devices, he generates strong feelings of unity amongst audience members to bring them together as one equal group of people under God. In persuasion, emotional appeal is one of the most powerful devices a speaker can use. If a speaker can effectively force audience members to sympathize with him, they will essentially be on his side of the argument. MLK does a phenomenal job of this in his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. â€Å"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation†¦.One hundred years later, the colored American is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition†. The â€Å"great American† MLK was alluding to was Abraham Lincoln; who, as I stated earlier, was the main driver behind the Emancipation Proclamation. The syntax of this quote really emphasizes the oppression that African Americans are exposed to. Words like exile, languishing, and shameful were chosen to evoke sympathy in the audience for the victimized African Americans. Now that he effectively gained sympathy from the audience, he has their attention. His next move is to drill into their heads that the need for change is imminent. The heavy use of anaphoras in MLK’s speech was his best weapon in regards to making his ideas stick in the heads of audience members. As seen in the portion of the speech, â€Å"Now is the time to†¦make real the promise of democracy†¦.rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation†¦lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice†¦make justice a reality to all of God’s children†, his repetition of â€Å"now is the time to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  stirs up the audience and makes them realize that there is need for immediate actions to be taken to fight this oppression. It was no coincidence that MLK decided to refer to us as â€Å"all of God’s children†. Although the people in the crowd may have differed in skin color, the majority of people were apart of some sort of religion. By putting everyone in the same category (i.e. being children of god) he furthered his point that all men are created equal. When MLK came to speak at Washington D.C., he didn’t come to propose a compromise, he came to preach that African Americans will not settle for anything less than equality. Again, MLK used anaphoras to emphasize and reiterate how relentless â€Å"we† (the African American population) will be in the civil rights movement when he said â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as†¦our bodies cannot gain lodging in the motels†¦.the colored persons basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one†¦our children are stripped of their selfhood†¦we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream†. Along with the repetition of â€Å"we can never be satisfied†, he uses a simile for â€Å"justice† and â€Å"righteousness† to relay the power of the freedom he dreams to achieve for the African American people. Again, through the use of anaphoras, MLK describes this dream he hopes to achieve. In this portion of the speech, he shows the audience a glimpse of the harmonious future that will come with his dream of equality amongst all people. He repeats the phrase â€Å"I have a dream† eight times. His voice progressively got louder and more dramatic as he repeated the phrase. Each time, becoming more powerful than the last. The result of this was a sharp increase in excitement and emotional arousal in the audience. His inclusion of equality and brotherhood in â€Å"we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal†¦.we will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood’ were used to invoke feelings of unity in the audience. Unity amongst the American people was not only the dream of MLK, but, along with freedom, was the basis on which America was founded upon. MLK’s repetition of the phrase â€Å"let freedom ring† served to show the audience that, although America was founded on freedom, it hasn’t yet been truly achieved. When true freedom is achieved, he said â€Å"we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.’†. He successively appeals to the diversity of the audience by referring to the every major social group and recognizing them all as equal. †. The usage of the diacope â€Å"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last† brings his speech full circle. It presented the end result of the dream he proposed, and successfully expressed the feeling of relief African Americans will have when they get their freedom. In his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech, MLK went in depth identifying the problems with racism as he simultaneously invoked feeling of sympathy in the audience. His use of various other rhetorical devices generated strong feelings of unity amongst audience members to bring them together as one equal group of people. Although his rhetorical devices were the main reason behind the success of the speech, the way he structured of the speech is what pushed it above and beyond greatness, and made it ones of the greatest speeches in history. MLK was without a doubt, the most influential leader in the civil rights movement. Without his influence, segregation may have still existed even today. However, thanks to his phenomenal rhetorical speaking, his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech gave the civil rights movement the immense push it needed to end segregation for good.