Thursday, February 27, 2020

Colonization in China and India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Colonization in China and India - Essay Example Hence, our group somehow ruled the school population. Definitely my group's feat in school cannot match the real colonizers back in the 18th and 19th century when European conquistadors settled in foreign lands where their galleons docked, eventually migrated to that place and shared their knowledge to the natives. This word used to be the "in" thing among the rich empires almost three centuries ago. European countries spearheaded colonialism, adding more states and territories to their naturally rich metropolis. "Colonizers generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory and may also impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population ("Colonialism")." Today, most of the countries were once a colony of Europe or America. A number of decolonized country can be found in Asia, take China and India. According to history books and encyclopedias, ever-changing dynasty rule has weakened China. "The first reliable historical Chinese dynasty is the Shang, which settled along the Yellow River in eastern China from the 18th to 12th century BC ("China")." Invasions by other states soon followed to unseat the Shang. Such wars continued to overthrow one dynasty after the other. "Regime change was often violent and the new ruling class usually needed to take special measures to ensure the loyalty of the overthrown dynasty." Because of the unstable imperial regime, "European countries and the United States exploited the weakness of China." However, the world's super powers still "maintained a so-called international concessions in China, a sort of colonial enclave; the coastal towns of Macau and Hong Kong (Student's Surname) 3 were held on long-term leases by Portugal and the United Kingdom." On 1843, United States President John Tyler wrote a missive to Chinese Emperor Dao Guang, expressing the desire to broaden the trading system between the two countries. US President Tyler wrote, "let the people trade not only at Canton, but also at Amoy, Ningpo, Shanghai, Fuhchan, and all such other places as may offer profitable exchanges both to China and the United States provided they do not break your laws nor our laws ("Letter")." Apart from the US, Britain also took advantage of this scheme. As written in Chinese history, it was this time that China "awoke to the significance of the rest of the world, particularly the West." However, as China opened up to foreign trade and missionary activity opium became available. Two Opium Wars with Britain weakened the Emperor's control." But not all

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