Saturday, July 27, 2019

4420 staffing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

4420 staffing - Assignment Example Organizations are very partial with cognitive skills that they overlooked other aspect in making an individual and organization more effective which is social skills. IQ would become useless if an employee cannot work with other people, cannot be relied on or cannot handle work related stress. Screening would be two pronged to get those who have high IQ and EQ. IQ alone would not suffice. Once I have the best raw material in terms of talent to develop, I will subject them to intense training that is based on real world setting that develops critical thinking and problem solving skills rather than learning concepts. Organizational skills and personal management will also be part of the curriculum because cognitive skills must be paired with high social skills for an employee to be more effective. It is important that they have this high sense of emotional intelligence so that it will be easier to engage them in the organization that would enable to them to perform well. The atmosphere in the organization will be liked that of Google where interactions are encouraged with teams and clusters given the right environment to be critical as well as creative so that new ideas about new products and services or how to improve them will blossom. The decorum will not be rigid just like Google complex where employees will find joy and fun in their work. With regard to performance, I would like my talents to be competitive not in a sense that they have to be better than other companies or individuals. Competitive in a sense that they are driven to explore new avenues that would create products and services rather than doing things because they want to beat their competitors. Their mindset would be like Jeff Bezo’s Amazon where they everybody thinks as â€Å"explorer† to go to dark alleys as he would put where new doors might be present where the company could develop. Just

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