Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay

I. Programs Bridges Learning System: This program uses five step processes involving submit, evaluate, outline, extend, success to develop the students aptitudes and talents that are very important in the classroom through evaluating test results and constructing a profile each student skills and abilities. By then, students’ necessities are known and a particular program will be developed for its learning exercises needs (Brock, 2003). Cognitively-Guided Instruction (CGI): This model is a product of research of students thinking that teachers able to restructure their knowledge and understanding to what the students need. This done through direct-modeling actions, reasoning to the problem, and moving to other strategies that are needed for the improvement of the students (Carpenter, 2003). Four Blocks Literacy: The four blocks represents four different approaches to directed comprehension, self-selected comprehension, inscription and working with terms. Through this students don’t just learn, at the same time they provided with the needed instruction according to the personality of the student. These blocks are multi-level depending on the performance and needs of the student (Cunningham, 1989). Spalding Method: This method is a total language arts approach in spelling, writing, listening and reading comprehensions. This approach is very effective to both regular and special education (Christie, 2000). II. Curriculum Development and Instructional Strategies. Cooperative Learning: Through optimistic interdependence, driven interaction, and personal responsibility, mutual efforts could be a useful tool to promote the groups’ objectives and success rather than viable and personal efforts (Stefl-Mabry & Powers, 2005). Direct Instruction: Learning is hastened up through comprehensive presentations, ruling out misconceptions, and assisting generalizations. Students are properly monitored to evaluate the performance, periodically assessed for perceptions and immediately corrected for their errors (Oregon, 2003). Mastery Learning: Learning is centered on the methods of mastering rather than the content but it works best with the conventional substance-centered curriculum through distinct objectives and varieties of instructional techniques and suitable series of results (University, 2004). Modeling Instruction: This method of instruction is done through creating scientific models and providing primary theoretical apparatus for modeling intended to appreciate the physical world and to familiarize and develop the students’ insights on how scientific knowledge fits with the real world (Wells & Hestenes, 2003). These programs, curriculum and instructional instructions are developed and evaluated by Arizona K-12 Center’s Technical Review Council and found to be effective in meeting the instructional and educational needs of diverse student population. References Brock, B. (2003). Bridges Learning Systems ® [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Carpenter, T. (2003). Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau.edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Christie, B. (2000). Topic teamwork: A collaborative integrative model for increasing student-centered learning in grades K-12. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(8), 28-32. Cunningham, P. (1989). Four Blocks Literacy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Oregon, E. (2003). Direct Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Stefl-Mabry, J. , & Powers, J. G. (2005). Collaborative, Problem-Based Learning: University and K-12 Partnerships. Knowledge Quest. ProQuest Education Journals, 33(4), 14-16. University, N. A. (2004). Instructional Strategies and Commercial Programs [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Wells, M. , & Hestenes, M. (2003). Modeling Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/.

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