Sunday, September 15, 2019

Germans and people Essay

From the very days of the establishment of Republic in Germany after WW-I, Germany lacked stability. Its foreign policy was not appreciated by Germans and people believed that the Republic was responsible for the humiliation that was meted to Germany after the war. Republic also failed to assert itself strongly in the international affairs. Added to this the great world-wide depression (1929) badly hit Germany, which was already passing through acute economic crisis. Germans felt greatly worried and disillusioned. It was at this state of economic affairs of Germany, that Hitler rose to prominence by his party ‘NAZI’. [more in the third page on Hitler’s Nazism]. RISE OF FASCISM Out of chaos and disorder, fascist party emerged with Mussolini as its leader. The Fascists wore black shirts as uniform and drilled themselves in the military companies. The found a secret organization by name ‘carbonary’ to spread nationalist ideas. The principles of fascism [a] opposed democracy, socialism and liberalism. [b]It placed the interests of the nation above all interests. [c]It deprived capitalists of all their wealth and also prohibited the labourers to go on strike. [d]they believed that their race was the most superior race in the world. They did not believe in peace. They advocated that â€Å"War to a nation what maternity is to women†. RISE OF IMPERIALISM Imperialism is a form of exploitation of one nation by another mainly for two purposes. The first being for industrial purposes and secondly aggressive nationalism. Japan attained victory over Manchuria in 1931 and started systematic conquests of mainlands in China. MILITARY PREPARATIONS Compulsory military education was introduced by Japan, Germany and Italy. Russia gathered war planes, military troops and mechanized army. FAILURE OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS The league failed to stop the race for arms while Germany and Japan did not respect the principles of League. Born in Austria in 1889, he was a great orator and public speaker. He opposed parliamentary system after being upset by Treaty of Versailles. His book ‘Mein Kamf’ became a sort of Nazi Bible. All those who opposed him were hunted out of the country or lead to the gallows. After the post of Chancellor, he declared himself as dictator of Germany and rose to power of prominence admist of Germans economic crisis. Hitler’s imperialistic devices caused tensions in the world and became responsible for another World War. MUSSOLINI Mussolini was born 1883. He started his political career as a socialist agitator. He advocated anti-communist ideas. His fascist party was supported by industrialists. Mussolini joined hands with Hitler and signed an anti-communist pact and thus caused the outbreak of World War-II. Finally he was killed by his own people and fascism came to an end. SPAIN WAR and JAPAN’s attack on Pearl Harbour infuriated another Super Power America and promulgated the outbreak of WW-II.

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