Sunday, September 8, 2019

Personal Philosophy and Model of Supervision Essay

Personal Philosophy and Model of Supervision - Essay Example The supervisor’s role within this is multi-faceted, and includes many important features that are vital within counseling objectives. Often dealing with multiple tasks that require differing methods, the supervisor serves as mentor, teacher, evaluator, and counselor, while also assuring cliental needs. S/he is there to encourage, protect, teach, inform, train, advise, and guarantee the successful training of supervisees, through the implementation of a personally chosen supervisory model that has evolved in the course of professional experience. When facing the challenge of defining a supervision model that serves all of the above criteria, but which is still personal and tailored to any given philosophy on the role of counseling, the situation of the supervisee sitting under the supervisor immediately springs to mind. What are the expectations of the supervisee? What are they hoping to achieve, to obtain, from their mentor? What is their role within the procedure, and how can they help to ensure that effective training occurs? I believe, above all, that supervision is first and foremost client, or supervisee, orientated. The main reason for wanting to enter any caring profession is always to do with helping others, and in this respect, supervision is no different. A caring nature, compassion, concern, availability, and the desire to see changed lives, all form part of my reasons for wanting to enter into this vocation. However, having these much needed elements does not form a good supervisor – it is just the starting point. Supervision aspires to take someone from this starting point and to shape them into a professional supervisor, who is able to perform all of the necessary functions that supervising entails. Teaching professional conduct, ethics and safety, different procedures, techniques, and so forth, it is through good supervision that good supervisors are formed – or, of course, the opposite. And, therefore, the

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