Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Attraction and Event Management Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Attraction and Event Management. Answer: Type, dimension and attractions Perth International Arts Festival takes place in the months of February and March. It is one of the oldest and premiere cultural events of Western Australia. This annual international multi- arts festival in the southern hemisphere was started in 1953 and provides the Australians with rich culture and heritage. This festival offer the best international contemporary music, comedy, theatre, film, literature, street arts, drama, visual arts and free events in the community. There are other programs in the festival like Contemporary Culture Program and Perth Visual Arts Festival (Andersson, Getz and Mykletun 2014). Brief analysis: Form There are many small events that are circled around the main festival which offers total thirty Australian premieres. Perth international arts festival has the Western Australian Indigenous Arts Showcase (WAIAS) as its part which involves 90 native musicians, singers, songwriters, actors and comedians from all the largest states of Australia. This event is organized to celebrate the art work of the contemporary artists all over the world and respect the culture of the local people and their contribution towards the land, city and region. Location and size Through this festival of the University of Western Australia 500000 people gets connected every year in Perth and Great Southern. The university supports the festival by providing services and resources and Lotterywest has provided financial support since 1992. In all these years the venues of the festival kept varying from Somerville auditorium, Festival gardens, Regal theatre to ABC Perth studios, Red hill auditorium, Cottesloe beach and so on. Budget considerations Promotion $9000 Rent $2000 Collection of fees $5000 Printing $1500 Others $2500 Total $20000 Number of participants On the 60th birthday of this festival there were 194522 paid members and 700000 total attendances among the audience. But on the following year it decreased a bit with 750 artists, 820 events and 250 screenings. The list of corporate partners change every year but there are some partners who have a long term commitment of sponsorship in the festival. The essential partners for long term include Rio Tinto, Lotterywest and Wesfarmers. (Parent and Chappelet 2015). Stakeholders The development team of the Perth International Arts festival finds a huge range of stakeholders for supporting vision and mission of the artistic director to offer high quality annual festival program. The specific team works hard to raise income through government, corporate and donor programs, to engage the supporters in artistic program. They work in close relevance with the authorities and board members for increasing the support in art funding in Western Australia. The events and sponsorship executive report directly to the development director of the festival for managing and coordinating the festival partners and deliver a range of corporate hospitality programs and stakeholder events. In addition to that the role is responsible for managing the corporate hospitality programs of the partners to generate extra revenue (Emery 2010). The Perth international arts festival has a practical element which involves the team to plan and execute. To plan and execute that event the team is prepared by bringing about many key principles and concepts of event management to be aware of their choices and decision that is essential for the event. The focus should not shift from the planning stages of the event which includes concepts and practical elements for operating the process. There are post event activities which are as essential as the prior activities (Masterman 2014). These post event activities include feedback collection, consideration and evaluation of legacy and should be included in any planning and operation module of the event. The event management process has the key concept starting with developing a concept, planning, managing and organizing of the event. Event management theory and concepts provides detail of the Perth international arts festival which secure visa for the international artists, musicians a nd speakers; a relatable review of the environmental sustainability; and licit considerations for the artists and venue agreements. The event cannot provide value to an organization in managing the resources of the system either manually or by the support system. When there are events which are forwarded through multiple levels of the event management hierarchy there is a chance that different actions are performed by different processors. Problems might arise when one event processor states that an event which is ion a fixed state and the other reports which are in some other state. To avoid the arousal of such situation status change of one event processor can be spread to others through which the event has passed (Getz and Page 2016). References Alexander, K. ed., 2013.Facilities management: theory and practice. Routledge. Andersson, T.D., Getz, D. and Mykletun, R.J. eds., 2014.Festival and event management in Nordic countries. Routledge. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Cole, G.A., 2004.Management theory and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA. Dalkir, K. and Liebowitz, J., 2011.Knowledge management in theory and practice. MIT press. Emery, P., 2010. Past, present, future major sport event management practice: The practitioner perspective.Sport management review,13(2), pp.158-170. Getz, D. and Page, S.J., 2016.Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events. Routledge. Hayes, J., 2014.The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Kaplan, R.S., 1998. Innovation action research: creating new management theory and practice.Journal of management accounting research,10, p.89. Masterman, G., 2014.Strategic sports event management. Routledge. Parent, M.M. and Chappelet, J.L. eds., 2015.Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management. Routledge. Pearson, C.M. and Clair, J.A., 1998. Reframing crisis management.Academy of management review,23(1), pp.59-76.

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