Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Banking Concept Of Education - 881 Words

The banking concept is a term used by Paulo Freire to describe the â€Å"traditional† educational system. With this concept, students seem to learn all they need to know by narration of the teachers. â€Å"Narration leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated account†(Freire, page 1). Because of this method, students are being referred to as depositors since teachers’ deposit information into their brains and the students receive, memorize and repeat. This concept has shown that people lack creativity, knowledge and individuals cannot be truly human. Students tend to lack critical consciousness and the more they accept the role of the teachers, the more they adapt to the world as it is. As Paulo Freire discusses, â€Å" The Banking Concept of Education† he also proposes a way to improve education by introducing us to the â€Å"Problem-Posing Approach†. By doing such, he informs us that this approach is an alternative learning method tha t is efficient and an effective solution to the banking approach. I personally believe that all students should be taught with the Problem-Posing Approach since the Banking Approach is not a sufficient way of learning. I can guarantee that almost every student has been a part of this â€Å"traditional† educational system as they are just taught to memorize certain material until the test day comes. As an undergraduate student, I can say that I have witnessed my education become a test of remembering everything that was in a PowerPoint. I remember myShow MoreRelatedThe Banking Concept Of Education958 Words   |  4 PagesIn the excerpt from â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education† the author, Paulo Freire explains the critical flaw in the current education system. He continues by offering his believed solution to this problem. The two concepts Freire discusses in this excerpt are the â€Å"banking concept† of education and the â€Å"problem-posing method† of education. The â€Å"banking concept† is talked about rather negatively, whereas the â€Å"problem-posing method† is talked about highly. Freire believes in the â€Å"problem-posing method†Read MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education904 Words   |  4 PagesFor many years education in the United States has been taught the same way over and over again. It has put children through many years of boring lectures to learn something and eventually will be forgotten. In the Banking concept Freire gives his opinion on the traditional way students have learned for many years. He Calls it the Banking Concept of Education, it is when a student knows nothing and the teacher has to educate them with boring long lectures that will eventually be forgotten by the schoolRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education951 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I first read Freire’s writing, â€Å"The ‘Banking Concept’ of Education†, I felt really passionate about it. Th e reason I felt so passionate about it, was because once upon a time I wanted to be a teacher. Until I began to see the struggles that teachers’ had, trying to teach large class sizes all of the same information. The longer the teachers taught, the more they lost their passion. In class there was never enough time for teachers to show their passion, or explain why they really loved the subjectRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education Essay1834 Words   |  8 Pageshours studying. We could agree that the method of our education has also been the same; listening, note taking, memorizing, and hoping to God that we did not just bomb our most recent test. What if someone told us in high school that this grueling and boring process was all wrong? Well, this is exactly what, Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher, proposes in his essay, â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education.† Freire argues â€Å"banking education† stunts and discourages critical thinking and creativityRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education1277 Words   |  6 PagesTrue Education at Its Best In The Banking Concept of Education, Paulo Freire evaluates the teacher-student relationship and the concept of Banking education which he thought not to be a suitable process of education. Education is a systematic body of knowledge that is acquired through life experiences, schooling, and the environment. It is an important tool that applies in the contemporary world to succeed and to mitigate life challenges. Also, the knowledge gained through educationRead MoreSummary Of The Banking Concept Of Education1519 Words   |  7 PagesDominants and Subordinates in Education In â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education,† from the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Revised Edition, Paulo Freire discusses two different types of education: â€Å"banking† and problem-posing. The banking concept of education is when teachers â€Å"make deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat† (318), and ‘problem posing’ is when the teachers and students are equal. Instead of being treated as human beings that have their own thoughts and ideas,Read MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education Summary1133 Words   |  5 Pages0701 23 September 2017 The Banking Concept of Education In the essay, â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education†, Paulo Freire compares two teaching concepts used in education, which are the â€Å"banking concept† and â€Å"problem-posing†. In the â€Å"banking concept†, the educator assumes that the students are passive, so they take full control and instill students with information without explaining it to them or receive their input. Freire believes that problem-posing education allows people to develop their humanRead MoreBanking Concept of Education Essay685 Words   |  3 PagesBanking Concept of Education Philosopher and educator Paulo Freire once said, â€Å"Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.† In Freire’s work of â€Å"the Banking Concept of Concept†, he describesRead MoreThe Teaching Concept Of Banking Education1098 Words   |  5 PagesPhilosophy Statement Essay Introduction Effective teachers are able to meet the student’s individual needs by modifying the curriculum, being involved in the community and involving the parents in the student s education. I teach in San Luis, AZ, a community composed mainly of Hispanic families and Spanish is the primary language. In order to build a positive relationship with the community and parents, it is important to understand and implement the culture in the curriculum. Setting an open doorRead More The Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire1463 Words   |  6 PagesThe Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire Education is a topic that can be explored in many ways. Education is looked at in depth by both Richard Rodriguez in his essay, â€Å"The Achievement of Desire†, and by Paulo Freire in his essay, â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education.† After reading both essays, one can make some assumptions about different methods of education and exactly by which method Rodriguez was taught. The types of relationships Rodriguez had with his teachers

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